Ingyenes - Üzleti terv írását és finanszírozását oktató kurzus az Amerikai Nagykövetség szervezésében

Hogyan készítsünk professzionális, növekedés-orientált, stratégiai üzleti tervet és hogyan finanszírozzuk? Ebben a témában hirdet októbertől  4hónapos INGYENES kurzust vállalkozóknak az Amerikai Nagykövetség Budapesten. A jelentkezési határidő: 2012. augusztus 22. Szakmai önéletrajzot és motivációs levelet várnak a jelentkezőktől a e-mail címre. 

További részletek angolul:

How to prepare a professional, growth-oriented, strategic business plan and win financing for your company - October 4, 2012 – February 7, 2013

The U.S. Embassy, Sanborn Capital Management and Semmelweis Innovations announce a weekly workshop for entrepreneurs starting Thursday, October 4th 6:00 p.m. at Semmelweis Innovations at Semmelweis University. The workshop will be conducted by Edward H Sanborn IV, Sanborn Capital Management.

The course consists of fifteen, interactive, three-hour long sessions in English.  The last regular session is January 24th and the presentations will be held on Thursday, February 7th.  Participants will prepare a Strategic Business Plan to be presented in a competition to a panel of expert investors in the last sessions. Participants are required to have a business or NGO or to have a strong interest in starting a business in the near future.  The course will include speakers with actual experience in the week’s current business planning issue. Some speakers from the last course: Peter Fodor (FINEXT Startup), Peter Árvai (, Istvan Alpek (Primus Capital).

Please note that applicants who miss the deadline or turn in an incomplete application package will not be considered for 2012 Autumn.  The course is free of charge.

Minimum requirements:
  • Four completed years of college
  • Advanced English language knowledge
  • Interest in business and entrepreneurship  
  • Sufficient time for necessary research and team meetings on the weekends or other nights during the week
  • Hungarian citizenship
  • Alumni of U.S. high school, university or other professional exchange programs, with a preference given to RETURN Alumni Association and Fulbright alumni association members
  • Own business or business idea
  • Demonstrated experience in community service
The interviews are going to be conducted the week of September 2nd.
    The deadline for application is Wednesday, August 22nd, 5:00 p.m.  Please send your résumé and motivation letter to




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