Women of Excellence Award 2013

What makes a woman a successful entrepreneur? Creativity? Self-confidence? Innovative mindset? Flexibility? Reliability? Or all of the above? The goal of the Women of Excellence Award 2013 is to find the answer by recognizing women who run their own successful business. If you know a successful female entrepreneur who deserves recognition, please nominate her for
the Women of Excellence Award!

Following the success of the past diversity conferences, AmCham will organize the Seventh Annual Conference on Diversity on November 13, 2013. In line with this, AmCham initiated the Women of Excellence Award, this year with a special focus on excellence in Successful Female Entrepreneurs.
What makes a woman a successful entrepreneur? Creativity? Self-confidence? Innovative mindset? Flexibility? Reliability? Or all of the above? The goal of the Women of Excellence Award 2013 is to find the answer by recognizing women who run their own successful business.

If you know a successful female entrepreneur who deserves recognition, please nominate her for
the Women of Excellence Award!

The winner of the award will receive a custom-made one-of-a-kind rekavago bag.

Winners of the Award in previous years:
AmCham Women of Excellence Award in 2012 - Young Achievers: Szilvia Gyurkó, advocacy director of UNICEF Hungary
AmCham Women of Excellence Award in 2011 - Excellence in Leadership: Ildikó Szűts, communications director and the chairman's advisor, OTP Bank
AmCham Women of Excellence Award in 2010 - Excellence in Work-life Ballance: Csilla Vizvári, CEO, IRMÁK Kiemelkedően Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft.

Head of the jury:
  • Heal Edina, a Google magyarországi vezetője; AmCham Igazgatótanácsi tagja
Members of the jury:
  • Péter Dávid, CEO, AmCham
  • Evelin Ducsai, Country Operations & Technology Head, Citibank Hungary
  • Norbert Fogarasi, Managing Director, Morgan Stanley
  • Szilvia Gyurkó, advocacy director, UNICEF Hungary; winner of the AmCham Women of Excellence Award 2012
  • Zsolt Mayer, Corporate Affairs Director, MARS Hungary
  • Áron Szekeres, Company Lawyer and Union Liaison, Jabil Circuit Hungary
  • Réka Vágó, shoe designer; creative partner of the Award
  • János Vecsenyi, professor, Budapest Corvinus University, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
  • Éva Virág, Head of Business Development, Aon Hewitt
Important information:
The jury would like to emphasize that the personal participation of the Winner at the November 13 award ceremony is a precondition of the presentation of the award.

Sponsors of the award and the conference are not allowed to nominate.

You can send your nomination via e-mail (kivalosag@amcham.hu) or postal service (Amerikai Kereskedelmi Kamara, 1365 Budapest, Pf. 741.) before 1 October, 2013.

Nomination sheet here



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